Red Lion / MbConnect


(MbConnect has been acquired by Red Lion.  These units are fully compatible with the existing MbDialup software and MbConnect24 server.  They are also compatible with the Red Lion RLConnect24 server using RLDialUp software. The only change is the unit now has a black Red Lion label vs the previous yellow MbConnect label.)

MbConnect Line is now Red Lion.  With the products of MB connect line GmbH we offer for systems of more than 90 of the most reputable manufacturers automation solutions for remote support. These range from serial via MPI bus connections to professional.  The in-house Internet portal mbCONNECT24 provides a central web portal for remote maintenance via Internet and is administrated by the in-house portal mymbCONNECT24.virtual complete itself.  The mbNET industrial routers are an important part of our program and allow eg UMTS or WLAN location - for independent use at remote facilities to produce energy through renewable resources.

Downloads: MbConnect Company Brochure